HagueTalks: Human Trafficking: Women's lives bought and sold - Humanity House


04 Nov

Interactive debate

HagueTalks: Human Trafficking: Women’s lives bought and sold

Pressing global challenges on women’s rights demand innovative and inspiring ideas for solutions. Motivated by the ideals that The Hague as the City of Peace and Justice represents, what better opportunity to present such ideas to the world than the 3rd World Conference of Women’s shelters.

Human trafficking is putting or keeping someone in an exploitative situation for profit.

It can happen to anyone, but women are especially vulnerable. It is a serious crime that occurs in every country in the world and can take place anywhere; on farms, in factories, in brothels, and in private homes.

Human trafficking is driven by the demand for cheap goods, services and labour and the supply of vulnerable people. Whilst trafficking for sexual exploitation is widely reported, it is estimated that there are nine times the number of people who are exploited for their labour.

We may contribute to this exploitation and we all have a role to play in ending this injustice: Governments, businesses and individuals. How? Join us for this HagueTalks!

 About the Speakers

Maarten Abelman is Head of the Office Dutch National Rapporteur Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence Against Children. His talks is about trafficking in human beings with a focus on labor exploitation. Labor exploitation is a serious crime. Are we just ignorant about it or do we care?

Darcie Sawilla works for Bijlmer Bridge2Hope as the project coordinator. Her responsibilities include the organization and delivery of the project area focusing on direct assistance to survivors of human (sexual) trafficking.


  • English
  • 19:00
  • 19:30
  • 21:00