The perspective of African migration countries on EU-deals - Humanity House


13 Dec

Lunch lecture

The perspective of African migration countries on EU-deals

A new outlook on a current political topic and a delicious lunch; that’s what you get during this lunch lecture by philosopher and political scientist Michael Onyebuchi Eze. He discusses EU migration deals from the perspective of the African migration countries. How are they contested, acknowledged or legitimized there?

The EU-migration deals with African countries; the Dutch formation talks with GroenLinks failed because of it. But due to a coalition with D66, CDA, VVD and ChristenUnie, it has become part of the coalition agreement. Migration-experts and refugee agencies have spoken a lot about these deals, and then mainly about bad treatment and sheltering of migrants. But what do we know about the influence of these deals on the political legitimacy in the countries with which these agreements are made?

During this lunch lecture, philosopher and political scientist Michael Onyebuchi Eze examines the social-political and economic consequences of the migration deals in North and West Africa. How are these deals contested, acknowledged or legitimized there? Also, he invites the audience to think with him about the possibility to alter such deals into agreements where moral and ethics play a more leading role.

About the speaker

Michael Onyebuchi Eze. Political scientist, historian and philosopher. He currently teaches African political theory at the University of Amsterdam and graduate study at Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge. He was formerly a visiting scholar at the Center for African Studies and also the Martin Luther King Jr., Institute, both at Stanford University. He has taught in the Universities in Nigeria, Germany, USA, South Africa and the Netherlands.

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  • English
  • 12:00
  • 12:30
  • 13:30