Arab Women resisting ISIS - Humanity House


19 Mar

Lunch meeting

Arab Women resisting ISIS

Brave women have played a crucial role during the so-called Arabic Spring revolutions and are now actively opposing the rise of ISIS and it’s violent extremism. Grassroots women’s organisations are cooperating over dividing lines, countering extremism and calling for durable peace. This all happens in a more and more repressing environment. Recently, women in the MENA region face increasing and targeted violence and discrimination. How can we make sure their powerful and inclusive message will not go unheard?

About the speaker

Elisabeth van der Steenhoven, director of WO=MEN Dutch Gender Platform will talk about activism in the Arab region and the importance of women’s participation in peace and transition processes. WO=MEN is a network of Dutch NGO’s, diaspora, activists, military and entrepreneurs for cooperation and advocacy on women’s rights and gender equality worldwide.

Extra: visit our exhibition Stories of Change for free
Combine your lunch meeting with our exhibition Stories of Change – Beyond the ‘Arab Spring’. Visitors of Bread & Brains #25 visit this temporary exhibition for free.

This is part of dossier


  • English
  • 12:00
  • 12:30
  • 13:30