Millions of people have fled their homes because of war, hunger or climate change. Chris de Bode photographs the lives of people who have sought refuge far from home, and far from us too. A selection of his work is on show in the exhibition ‘Far From Home’.
In his photographs Chris is always looking for new ways to tell a story and he steers clear of stereotypes. The exhibition introduces you to people who have been displaced. It shows you where they came from, the route they have travelled, and the conditions in which they live. Many images contain something positive, such as love, hospitality, pride and resourcefulness.
The exhibition also tells the story of the photographer himself. What choices does he make to bring the lives of people living far away closer to us and our imagination? Chris tries to create images that appeal to us and demonstrate empathy, but at the same time do justice to the complexity of providing shelter for refugees in the region.
Collaboration with Stichting Vluchteling
This exhibition has been made in collaboration with the Stichting Vluchteling (Netherlands Refugee Foundation). Stichting Vluchteling is currently helping over 884,808 refugees in 28 countries. It also supports the interests of refugees and exposes abuses.