This is me - Humanity House


20.11.18 t/m 16.12.18

This is me

‘When you think about Thailand, do you envision waving palm trees on white beaches, delicious food and friendly locals? You’re not the only one. Over the past ten years, the country has seen the number of tourists double. While this has brought increased income and prosperity, it has also led to an increase in the number of children who are being sexually exploited. Photographer Marieke van der Velden visited two shelters for victims of sexual abuse.

She spoke to children about what it meant for them to receive support and get a perspective on the future again. What do they look like when they are allowed to draw themselves? Behind the safety of the mask, they shed light on themselves.

About the organisations:

The Down to Zero Alliance is a joint effort of Terre des Hommes Netherlands, Plan Netherlands, Defence for Children – ECPAT, Free a Girl, ICCO Cooperation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It aspires to eradicate commercial sexual exploitation of children in 11 countries in 2020. Photographer Marieke van der Velden was appointed by the alliance and made this impressive photo impression.

Opening times

  • 10:00 - 17:00
  • 12:00 - 17:00

About the artist

Marieke van der Velden isa Dutch photgrapher who has been travelling the world for 20 years- sometimes for NGO’s sometimes for her personal projects. With photoseries such as ‘Baghdad Today’ and ‘A Monday in Kabul’, or with her movie ’The Island of All Together’, she tries to put the daily news in a broader context. These projects have been internationally published and rewarded.